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There' s a treasure inside you

Foto van schrijver: Line ClausLine Claus

There is a song in you

That is waiting to be sung

There is a battle in you

That is waiting to be won

There is a message in you

That is waiting to be shared

There is a story in you

That is waiting to be written

There is a wish in you

That is waiting to be fulfilled

There is a passion in you

That is waiting to be expressed

There is a dream in you

That is waiting to be pursued

There is a path in you

That is waiting to be followed

There is a mountain in you

That is waiting to be climbed

There is love in you

That is waiting to be fully felt and shared

There is a warrior in you

That is waiting to fight

There is an artist in you

That is waiting to create

And there is a caged bird in you

That is waiting for permission to fly

And I hope that you will choose

To set it free

And allow it to soar.”

— Tahlia Hunter

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